If you pay taxes in Lithuania, you can choose where to send 1.2% of your taxes.

You may have been born in Lithuania, you may have moved here a long time ago or you may have lived here recently, after the events of 2020. But you pay taxes, so you can decide where 1.2% of them will go.
Апублікавана на

You can support our work, political prisoners and their families without spending anything!

Every Lithuanian resident who is officially employed can send 1.2% of the income tax already paid to our fund.

This will not increase your taxes - only a certain amount will be transferred to our organization. It turns out that you support us and spend nothing, but the IRS does! And if these funds will formalize our fund for 1000 people - we can work for their whole year.

When you file your tax return for the previous year, direct 1.2% of your income tax to our activities. In turn, we can do more and help more oppressed people.

You can read more about how we help and our projects here.

This option is very easy and does not take much time. What is important: it is absolutely safe for Belarusians in Lithuania, because this transfer is made by the tax service.

Here are the instructions for you.

1. Go to the website https://www.vmi.lt/evmi/

2. Then go to your profile and then to EDS.

3. Go to the “Pildity forma” section and click on “Prašymas skirti paramą”

4. Press the planet

5. Press “Pradeti” and then you need to write the name of the recipient or organization code (305633703).

6. Write how much interest (1.2%, but it can be less), then you need to choose for how many years to make a transfer of funds (maximum 5 years)

7. Then confirm by clicking on “Taip.”

Можна выбраць некалькі арганізацый, але сума працэнта павінна быць да 1,2%. Таксама можна будзе зайсці і рэдагаваць ці памяняць арганізацыю.

8. And at the end click on “Generate Request” and submit it (green buttons)

Thank you, for your help!

Your support is a step toward freedom and justice

Every donation helps support political prisoners and their families, giving them hope and the means to overcome challenges.